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Role: Level Designer

Engine: Unreal 4

The second strike of Hoth is an Unreal Tournament 6v6 CTF greybox.

Screenshot .png


Map Narrative

The Second Strike of Hoth
It is a dark time for the Rebellion. The imperials have wiped out the Rebels from Echo Base, and have left them spread thin. What is left of the troops on Hoth have rendezvoused in a medical room. With few supplies left the rebels must make one last push to escape the planet.

Before the Rebels can leave they have been tasked with recovering any leftover data files that they had left in their initial escape. Once the data files have been secured the rebels must steal a transport so they can regroup with the rebel fleet

With the Empire on the heels of the rebellion, they have stationed Storm troopers on the planet. These troopers have been assigned to recover any leftover intel and kill any surviving rebels on the base

Bubble Diagrams

Here I am roughly blocking out where I want each part of the level to be before creating the layout of the map

Map Layout


Level Design Document 

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